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Remember names easily

You often meet new people and only 5 minutes later you can't remember their names? You are going to love NameKeeper!

Keep names of persons you meet - super fast and simple. No more asking: "Sorry, what was your name again?"

Note names of people you meet

Optionally, add a short description or a photo to make it easier for you to connect the name to the right person.

The current time and address are automatically filled out!

Add new persons within seconds

Add names quickly without filling out complicated forms.

Add multiple names in one step! This is very useful if you meet a group of people.

Search by name, description and address

You want to know the name of a person you met at a specific location?

Search and filter all your contacts by name, description or address.

Enter data offline and sync with iCloud

There is absolutely no internet connection required! All data is stored on the device.

Optionally, you can activate iCloud synchronisation in the app settings. This will securely backup all your data.

Save persons to your contacts

You want to keep in touch with a person you met?

Just save it to your Apple contacts including photo and description.